Workshop: CaptureOne Pro 11
I recently held a workshop about CaptureOne Pro 11 for a couple of members of the BFF in Bavaria.
It was lots of fun and also a great new experience for me.
Here are some impressions:
I recently held a workshop about CaptureOne Pro 11 for a couple of members of the BFF in Bavaria.
It was lots of fun and also a great new experience for me.
Here are some impressions:
Just a quick one here. I’ve been busy with a lot of jobs during the last months so hadn’t had the chance to keep you posted.
I’ve recently added the Digital Operator section, so check it out. If you need any Equipment from me have a look at the updated equipment list.
There are some new gems on there, like the 15m optical! USB cable, Eizo CG247x, CG2420 and the perfect fit for managing CaptureOne: the Tangent Element Bundle, I especially love this one.
Digital Operators Workspace
Immer wieder kommt es vor das Fotos oder ganze Motive während eines Jobs verloren gehen. Die Gründe dafür sind vielseitig.
Ein paar Beispiele:
Es gibt viele weitere Szenarien, doch das Ergebnis ist immer das selbe, die Aufnahmen sind verschwunden. Weiterlesen