Art in the city

Yesterday I went out with two befriended photographers (Jörg Carstensen & Omar West) to see the so called “Lange Nacht der Museen” in Hamburg.
During this night 54 Museums and Art Galleries opened their doors to the public and offer drinks, food, music and guided tours.

We went to see the newly opened Exhibition of Werner und Ute Mahler (two of germanys great photographers i’ve been told) at the Deichtorhallen, saw some 3m prints of the MS Europe & Queen Mary 2 (Price each 22.000,- €) at the Galeriehaus Hamburg by Dirk Brömmel and strolled along the floors of Hamburger Kunsthalle, where we found old & new masters of painting.

There I discovered one of my favorite paintings “Wanderer above the sea of fog” by Casper David Friedrich and had a chance to take a closer look. This painting always resonates with me, as it reminds me of my feelings during my travels across the world.

It was a great night and we had good conversations about Art, Photography and things that matter in our lives being photographers.


Picture by Jörg Carstensen (Das Pureshot Blog).



Picture by Jörg Carstensen (Das Pureshot Blog).