Workshop: CaptureOne Pro 11
I recently held a workshop about CaptureOne Pro 11 for a couple of members of the BFF in Bavaria.
It was lots of fun and also a great new experience for me.
Here are some impressions:
I recently held a workshop about CaptureOne Pro 11 for a couple of members of the BFF in Bavaria.
It was lots of fun and also a great new experience for me.
Here are some impressions:
From now on I offer 360°-Spheres made with a drone, as well as so-called “Little Planets”.
Get in contact for a quote.
Just a quick one here. I’ve been busy with a lot of jobs during the last months so hadn’t had the chance to keep you posted.
I’ve recently added the Digital Operator section, so check it out. If you need any Equipment from me have a look at the updated equipment list.
There are some new gems on there, like the 15m optical! USB cable, Eizo CG247x, CG2420 and the perfect fit for managing CaptureOne: the Tangent Element Bundle, I especially love this one.
Digital Operators Workspace
Just finished off working with Hunter & Gatti at the Briese Studios here in Hamburg.
It was great fun.
Looking forward to work with them again later this month.
Behind the scene
Last week I spent two days in prague assisting at a photo shoot for a new Paco Rabanne advertising campaign. It was great working with New York based Photographer Greg Harris and his team. We had about 25 people on site, quite a big production. So here are a few impressions from the preparations and prelight test the day before. It was interesting to see their workflow and the way they handled the data and technical challenges we faced.
Greg told me in order to be a successful photo assistant in New York, one must be like a ninja (true story). I believe he is referring to the 18 skills a ninja must learn, although you have to adapt them to the job, of course.
All in all it was a great experience and I had a good time. There was a behind the scene photographer as well, so I’ll update this post once I get hold of those images. If you’d like to learn more about the film studios where we shot, check out the website of Barrandov Studios. Btw. films like “Chronicals of Narnia”, “Wanted” and “Babylon A.D.” where shot here.
Hey guys, just came back from a brief visit at Paul Ripke’s Studio in Norderstedt. Today he had something like a garage sale for a Viva con Aqua project going on. So I could either do my tax declaration or drive by and have a chat with him.
A couple of minutes drive later I stepped into his studio and had a look around. Most of the stuff he was selling was already gone and the band that played there had finished already, so not much was happening anymore. But nevertheless I was there for a different reason anyway.
So I had a look at Paul’s portfolio walls and a brief chat with him. I introduced myself as a freelance photo assistant and left my business card. Unfortunately he isn’t looking for any freelancers to join his team currently, but it was interesting to talk to him anyway. He even gave me one of his books for free (many thanks again!).
I believe he’s doing a good job in marketing himself (from what I saw so far), but see for yourself: Paul Ripke’s website.
Yesterday I went out with two befriended photographers (Jörg Carstensen & Omar West) to see the so called “Lange Nacht der Museen” in Hamburg.
During this night 54 Museums and Art Galleries opened their doors to the public and offer drinks, food, music and guided tours.
We went to see the newly opened Exhibition of Werner und Ute Mahler (two of germanys great photographers i’ve been told) at the Deichtorhallen, saw some 3m prints of the MS Europe & Queen Mary 2 (Price each 22.000,- €) at the Galeriehaus Hamburg by Dirk Brömmel and strolled along the floors of Hamburger Kunsthalle, where we found old & new masters of painting.
There I discovered one of my favorite paintings “Wanderer above the sea of fog” by Casper David Friedrich and had a chance to take a closer look. This painting always resonates with me, as it reminds me of my feelings during my travels across the world.
It was a great night and we had good conversations about Art, Photography and things that matter in our lives being photographers.
Picture by Jörg Carstensen (Das Pureshot Blog).
Picture by Jörg Carstensen (Das Pureshot Blog).